On the first day of the event we
held a conference, the professionals could take part in lectures and workshops.
The guests got acquainted with the situation of Roma in Nagyecsed and the
inclusions projects, which were realised in the town with the help of EU
grants. Presentations were held about the music therapy and about the good
practices of the partner countries as well.
The co-workers of the local municipality, the
representatives of the local NGOs and institutes (Vazdune Cherhaja Rising Stars
Roma Women’s Association, Social Care Service Centre of Szatmár Sub-region, II.
Rákóczi Ferenc Cultural Centre and Library, Free Dance Primary Art School,
Kindergarten of Nagyecsed, Türr István Training and Research Institute, Hit
Gyülekezete Szeretetszolgálat, Living Stones Foundation, Hungarian Maltese Charity Service, Nurse
Service), the programme manager organization of ‘Europe for citizens’ Tempus
Public Foundation, and the representatives of the project partners and towns: the
mayor took part in the conference.
The following presentations were held:
- Lajos, Kovács (Hungary,) mayor
of Nagyecsed: Welcome speech
- Introduction of the partner
- István Bölcsik PhD (Hungary),
notary of Nagyecsed: Situation of Roma in Nagyecsed
- Ilona Fodorné Papp (Hungary),
leader of Social Care Service Centre of Szatmár Sub-region: Social
inclusion in Nagyecsed with support of EU grants
- Petra Kovács (Hungary), music
and art therapist: The opportunities of the music therapy
- Nistor Iorga (Romania),
Asotiatia Nevo Parudimos, project manager: Employment route passes through
- Bc. Štefan Bako (Slovakia),
Civic Association Ad Hoc, vice president: FIĽAKOVO Lession Learnt
- Krzysztof Bruzgul (Poland)
Stowarzyszenie Zamojskie Centrum Wolontariatu, co-worker: Activities of
the Roma non-governmental organizations
In the afternoon the participants took part in
- Music therapy (Petra Kovács):
the opportunities of the active music therapy
- Situation of Roma communities
(Daniel Grebeldinger, Asotiatia Nevo Parudimos): impacts of the prejudices
in the life of Roma, processing the theme with training methods
- The relationship of the minorities
and the mainstream society (Štefan Bako, Civic Association Ad Hoc):
processing the theme with brainstorming
- Stereotypes (Krzysztof Bruzgul,
Stowarzyszenie Zamojskie Centrum Wolontariatu): processing the theme with
training methods
The participants visited the tourist
attractions of Mátészalka and an exhibition of Stonawski Tamás painter in the Commuity Centre of
On the second day of the event (18/09/2015)
partner workshops were held:
- Consultation about town
twinning agreements(Szentpétery Elemér, Együttható Egyesület): explore the
cooperation opportunities
- Identity: construction or
reality? (Mgr. Attila Agócs,
PhD, mayor of Fiľakovo): presentation and discussion about the identity
and similarities of the four partner countries
- Stereotypes, prejudices,
discrimination (Daniel Grebeldinger, Asotiatia Nevo Parudimos):
presentation and processing the theme with training methods
- Volunteering (Krzysztof Bruzgul (Stowarzyszenie Zamojskie Centrum Wolontariatu): the story of a volunteer’s career, processing the opportunities and benefits of volunteering with training methods
The participants visited the tourist
attractions of Nagyecsed in their free time.
On the third day of the event (19/09/2015) an
outdoor cultural festival was held. The participants made a parade in the town
wearing their traditional costumes. Sándor Lajos, the member of the Hungarian
Parliament opened the program. Lajos Kovács, the mayor of Nagyecsed gave
memorial plaques to the partner organisations and towns of the KIDIN project,
and to the representatives of Nagyecsed’s twin towns in Romania, Berveni and Ardud. The local and national
artist entertained the audience with traditional dances and music. The
performances were the following:
- · Nagyecsedi Rákóczi Kovács Gusztáv Hagyományőrző Együttes, Hungary: Dances from Szatmár and Mezőség
- Nagyecsedi Gyöngyszemek Hagyományőrző Cigány Együttes, Hungary: Roma dances
- „Teregovița” from Technological Highschool Sfântul Dimitri from Teregova, Romania
- Fanfara din comuna Racasdia Caras Severin, Romania
- Galagonya Dance Group, Romania
- Berek Dance Group, Romania
- Jánosík Traditional Dance Group, Slovakia
- "TAMBURINO" group, Poland: Roma songs and dances
- GráciaViolin Trio
- Stainless Steel Rock Band
- Homonyik Sándor singer
- R-GO Band
During the festival
the participants could visit an exhibition in the Berey
József Institute of Local History “Memories of the Reformed Parish of
Nagyecsed”. Hand craft activities, gastronomic attractions and playground
enriched the programs.
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