2015. november 30.

Sharing our results

In order to share the results of the project, in each country one dissemination workshop was realized with the participation of the local citizens and professionals to introduce our experiences and the good practices that have been identified during the project:

24/09/2015 Fiľakovo, Slovakia (31 participants)
08/10/2015 Nagyecsed, Hungary (24 participants)
22/10/2015 Zamość, Poland (27 participants)
27/11/2015 Oravița, Romania (27 participants)

Our project was introduced as well on the 28th of October 2015 in the conference “Europe for citizens” of the Tempus Public Foundation, which is the Hungarian management organization of the programme. The aims of the conference were to increase the awareness of the programme, to inform the potential applicants and to introduce the successful projects.

Our project enabled the participation in the professional and cultural events in four countries for 420 foreign guests, 714 professionals and occasionally hundreds of local citizens. Nagyecsed was represented by the Rákóczi Kovács Gusztáv Traditional Group and the Gyöngyszemek Traditional Roma Group. Their performances were enthusiastically welcomed and recognized in each country. The good practices introduced by the Hungarian professionals, e.g. Your Story – Storytelling Mothers, Tanoda programme, public employment in Nagyecsed creating social values, impressed the audience deeply.

The participating citizens and professionals of the project gained many skills and experiences, and their personal and professional relationships deepened. The common goal brought people of diverse nationalities and minorities together. The participants could realize, that they can easily cooperate, when they respect each other’s traditions and habits. They have experienced the opportunities of the art related activities: music and dances are the base of the therapy methods recognized internationally and they are a type of the language-independent communication ways for the local and international communities. Nagyecsed is searching the possibility of more cooperation with the partner towns of the project. The four-party “Memorandum of Understanding” will help to reach this goal.

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